Climate Change – An Expression of Sounds, Visuals, Words and Science. A symposium and performances where music, visual art, poetry and science presents the urgency of climate justice in a new and innovative light to give clarity of action to the defining issue of our generation.

The proposed project is an attempt to bring together artists, educators and scientists in an informed discussion and expression about climate change and its effects in Utah and beyond. The collaboration is intended to culminate in events at the Utah Museum of Natural History around October 5, 2020, at a time when the U will be in the national spotlight. The UMNH is a uniquely dramatic venue for this event, as it documents changes in nature on a large time scale, and also informs us of changes to come. The event will include new compositions, sound installations, poetry as well as presentation by researchers on effects of climate change that is affecting us right now. Apart from the U collaborators, several nationally prominent artists and scientists will be invited to present new works/research to emphasize the national and global scale of the issue - with each piece designed to have lasting impact through repeat presentations and performances globally. This project promotes several of the Strategic Goals of the U: No. 1 (Develop and Transfer New Knowledge) is the very definition of this project: to explore new ways of collaborating across campus to help new knowledge reach a broader audience through innovation. No. 2 (Promote Student Success to Transform Lives) is central to this project, as students and faculty from a a broad spectrum of campus (English, Music, Film, Atmospheric Sciences, Medicine, Art and Communication) will collaborate to present new knowledge.
Current Status
Abstract :
Artivism for Earth aims to bring together prominent artists and scientists to explore new ways of communicating the urgency of climate change. Artists, writers, poets, filmmakers, composers, performers, scientists, and medical doctors joined the effort across the U campus and beyond. External collaborators counted prominent artists and scientists from Stanford University, Harvard University, University of Virginia, to name some.
The culmination – so far – of these activities premiered on Earth Day 2021 (April 22) as a series of online events. It was released in online format partially as a result of Covid-19 lockdown measures. Still the project also changed the scope to become an ongoing movement, where the serves as a permanent resource in the ever-more urgent dialogue about climate change. Since the project attracted national attention- adding multiple collaborators around the nation - there is a strong demand for Artivism for Earth to be a continuing and on-going voice in the debate about climate change and how to solve this defining crisis. More than just completing an ambitious project, a movement was created.
website resource
Hasse Borup
College of Fine Arts
School of Music
Project Owner
Katharine Coles
College of Humanities
Julia Corbett
College of Humanities
Elisabet Curbelo González
College of Fine Arts
School of Music
Timothy Lee
Natural History Museum of Utah
Natural History Museum of Utah
John Lin
College of Mines and Earth Sciences
Atmospheric Sciences
Robert Paine
School of Medicine
Internal Medicine
Cheryl Pirozzi
School of Medicine
Internal Medicine
Wendy Wischer
College of Fine Arts
Art/Art History
Project Info
Funded Project Amount$30K
climate change, innovation, artivism, climate justice, music, electroacoustic music, poetry, health science, public health, Utah Museum of Natural History, climate science, new compositions, cross-campus collaboration, visuals, experimental art, sound installations, new music, air quality, atmospheric studies, communication, art
Project Status
Funded 2020
View poster (pdf)